Friday 25 November 2011

My Idea For A Horror Film

An idea for an orginal horror film was difficult to think of. First of all I decided what sort of sub-genre I would like to do. I choose to do a hybrid, a physchological-supernatural  film. I looked at this sub-genre and came across "Horror Fiction". The information below is from Wikipedia.
Horror fiction also Horror fantasy is a genre of literature, which is intended to, or has the capacity to frighten its readers, inducing feelings of horror and terror. It creates an eerie atmosphere. Horror can be either supernatural or non-supernatural. The genre has ancient origins which were reformulated in the eighteenth century as Gothic horror, with publication of the Castle of Otranto (1764) by Horace Walpole.

Supernatural horror has its roots in folklore and religious traditions, focusing on death, the afterlife, evil, the demonic and the principle of evil embodied in the Devil. These were manifested in stories of witches, vampires, werewolves, ghosts, and demonic pacts such as that of Faust.

Eighteenth century Gothic horror drew on these sources in such works as Vathek (1786) by William Beckford, The Mysteries of Udolpho (1794) and The Italian (1797) by Ann Radcliffe and The Monk (1796) by Matthew Lewis.
A lot of horror fiction of this era was written by women and marketed at a female audience, a typical scenario being a resourceful female protagonist menaced in a gloomy castle. The Gothic tradition continued in the 19th century, in such works as Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (1818), Edgar Allan Poe's short stories, the works of Sheridan Le Fanu, Robert Louis Stevenson's Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (1886), Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray (1890), and Bram Stoker's Dracula (1897). Enduring icons of horror derived from these stories include Victor Frankenstein and Frankenstein's Monster ("created" in 1818), Count Dracula (1897), and Dr Jekyll/Mr Hyde (1886). Great horror writers of the early twentieth century include H. P. Lovecraft and M. R. James.

The trait of the genre of horror is that it provokes a response, emotional, psychological or physical within each individual that causes someone to react with fear. In order for that response to be elicited there are different techniques used, such as unreal figures (phantoms, mummies, etc.), or more real situations and figures (serial killers). The whole horror genre is built up upon people's fear of the unknown and anxieties. According to H.P. Lovecraft, "The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown."

One of the best-known contemporary horror writers is Stephen King who is best known for writing Carrie, The Shining, It, Misery and many more. Beginning in the 1970s, King's stories have managed to attract a large audience, for which he was prized by the U.S. National Book Foundation in 2003.



So knowing about horror fiction gave me an idea for my own horror film. I scribbled all of my ideas down on a piece of paper. Below are those ideas;
The seaport town of Cobh

  • 1348, Paris
  • 1349, London
  • Cobh, Cork, Ireland; present day. Cobh is a real seaport town. (Spike Island is opposite this town. It was once a prison and convict depot, it was used to house "convicts" prior to penal transportation. It gained a reputation as "Ireland's Alcatraz".)


     Warin/ James Mort is main anatgonist/villian. (Warina nd James are the same person, just from different times)
    Eva Mort is also a antagonist/villian.
      Jacquetta (Eva's real name) is a victim as she is killed and turned into a vampire by Warin. (Jacquetta is Eva's real name. She too has another persona like Warin/James.)

    (Note: Both the antagonists have different names from the 14th century and now. James was Warin while Eva was Jacquette. They have had to change their names.) 
    Cathleen is the final girl.

      There are special, hidden meanings in the characters' names. Lets begin with the twins surname "Mort". It is the french word for death which works out well considering they are both vampires that kill people. I choose the name Cathleen for my final girl as there is a special story that goes along with that name.

      "Long time ago the people of Ireland were straving. The devil offered them food in exchange for their souls. Cathleen offered her soul instead of everybody else's. When she was dying,the devil came back for her, but God interevened saying that goodness should not be punished with evil. He took her up to heaven. She is known as a saint."

      Cathleen's last name is "Saint Kennedy". Kennedy is an Irish surname, but its not the hidden meaning. Saint is. Saint is a pure person, but saint in french means holy.

      Literal Roots
      • Dracula- Vampires; lust for human blood.
      • Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde- spilt personalites; things are not what they appear.  
      So here is my sypnosis of my horror film.

      Written In Blood
      1348, Paris. Evil lurks everywhere. Nobody is safe from the darkness. The Black Death is spreading over Europe killing millions. Religion says it is punishment from God for the sins of man, others believed it is demonic dogs while others blame the Jews for poisoning the wells.

      Half of the population of Paris is dying. After the death of her parents and baby brother, Jacquette is sent to live with her aunt and uncle in London.
      There she meets Warin, a local boy, and falls in love with him. However this is no fairytale. More like a living nightmare. She soon learns that things are not what they appear. But by then it’s to late.

      Throughout history, there have been attacks across the world. The cause of it, wild animals. But what if something else was to blame. Something beyond this world. A force of pure evil.

      2012, Ireland. Cathleen Saint Kennedy has just moved to the small seaport town of Cobh, county Cork from the busy city streets of Dublin with her father. Her mother was killed nearly 5 years ago in a violent “animal” attack. The event of her mother’s death effected her badly, making it harder for her to make friends. She is seen as a social outcast. A freak.
      On her first day at the local high school she is locked in the school’s cold and dark basement. Scared and alone she turns to her fascination of books, into a world of make believe.

      Soon, two new faces arrive in town. Twins, James and Eva Mort, who are also cast aside by the youth of Cobh. There is natural instant between the three misfits and the three become great friends.
      After a while, townsfolk start to go missing one day and appear the next. Dead. The only clue the police have is the loss of blood and the marks on their necks.

      James and Eva warns Cathleen to stay away from the murders and to carry on the way they always have done. Together.
      But as the attacks become more frequently, Cathleen experiences visions appearing in her dreams of the 14th century Europe; of what really happened in 1349, and the “animal” attacks the followed. And of the evil that stalks the streets at night, past and present.
      This is a dark secret that will be revealed. One that has been concealed for many centuries; that James and Eva are not who they appear to be.
      This will become a night Cathleen will never forget. But is it too late for her to escape these two bloodsuckers? Or will she escape from their clutches? Only time will tell. Her fate is written in blood.

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