Thursday 8 March 2012

How effective is the combination of your main product and your ancillary tasks?

My trailer and my poster are part of the marketing process; texts that are meant to promote the film and make the target audience want t go and see it, making the film studio (+  everyone else) money. As a 'distributor' it is my job to sell the film to the audience. I had to consider the target audience, the reason why they would want to see it, the potential of its release, and developing plans and patnerships inorder to build awareness and interest of the film. Interest people to visit the cinema more. Persuading exhibitors/cinemas to play the film. Both the POSTER and  TRAILER are forms primary advertising methods created by the distribution company.

The trailer of Let Me Play shows some of the story; Casie and Sarah moving in, Helen returning and causing chaos. It gives snippets of the storyline.

The poster only shows the antagonist and doesn't give anything away of the narrative. Helen is a child who looks like she has come back from the dead, from my audience research people are scared of ghost children. The image of Helen is important as the posters that I have deconstructed have a image of the antagonist to show the audience.
Here is my Flickr analysis of the poster as part of a promotage package.
Both the trailer and the poster have the same aim; to promote the film. However, clearly one is audio-visual while the other is still. The tagline featured in the trailer; "they moved in with evil... now she wants to play" is included on the poster. The themes of colours from the trailer and poster are the same as they have red and black to connote danger, death and evil in the sense of the return of the repressed. The connotation could either mean Helen's death in the 30s or one of the girls' death. I have used white which is not featured in the trailer to connote the innocence of Cassie and children in general being turned into something of evil.

The the film's offical website is not shown on the trailer as it is not important to feature, but is normally on the poster.

In the trailer, there are aspects of production that are not mentioned, but are on the poster in the form of a billing block.
In this instance the studio, actors, director, screenplay writer, props manager, costume designer and editors are mentioned, while they are not in the trailer. Also the director of Let Me Play is credited at the top of the poster as "the director of Ghost Child", implying to fans of the director of "Ghost Child" will like this horror by the same director as the the techniques of cinematography will probably be the same.

Looking back at the film poster, I would probably used a different image, constrasting both Cassie and helen (see Let Me In poster) to connote that Helen's evil is corrupting and is binding or constrasting with Cassie innocence.

In conclusion, I believe that my trailer and poster are effective advertisments for the film as they promote the film and make the audience aware of the film's existence and making them want to see it when it is released at the cinema.

1 comment:

  1. Your three posts in answer to this question don't actually discuss the combination of the products, which is what the question asks. To do this you need to take the poster and the trailer, both examples of advertising created by the distribution company, and look at the ways in which they each reinforce the same message. I.e. what do they have in common? For example is the tagline of the poster also mentioned in the film? Are the colours similar? Is the central image of the post are an important one in the trailer? Does the website to get a mention on the trailer? You don't only have to write about the good things you can also write about things that you should have done or would improve if you were doing it again. The film magazine is not an example of advertising but an example of the successful generation of publicity and you should say something about how the distribution company tries to generate such publicity. You can find this information in the book that from UK film distributor which I gave you.
